It’s perfectly natural for people to keep double standards especially when it comes to Sex because it’s a way of rationalizing. People rationalize especially with Sex to make things that aren’t okay, okay. For instance consider different ideas like a threesome. When you think of getting some extra pussy or cock it sounds great but when the idea of your partner getting it comes along it doesn’t sound so great anymore. A lot of people have trained themselves to completely ignore or avoid the idea of double standards and so it never occurs to them that they have them.
Most people are fair in their treatment but a select irresponsible few actually put those double standards to the test and will have no problem with themselves cheating and getting a little on the sly. When they find out their partner did so also and got fucked somewhere else it makes them angry. These are the people who strike back and take the easy way out. Someone may cheat on them and then they think it’s perfectly okay for them to do also. This just makes problems worse and more difficult to figure out. Instead of acting responsibly and holding themselves accountable for their actions they simply act out foolishly thinking they are entitled. No one is entitled to anything.
When it comes to relationships people have to earn the trust, and the status of happiness in a relationship. These double standards can be overcome and kept in check when people simply accept the truth about how they really feel on any given issue. When they accept how they really feel they can then analyze that feeling and go from there. Then they can alter their value judgments accordingly and mature. This helps each person to grow and become a better example of what they can be. It’s not so much the thought that you have but rather what you do with that thought.